Everyday my roommate tries to convince me that I should delay my life. "Stay in Chile with me, please!" I always shake my head and tell her my newest plan, but, after long weekends spent in the constant natural beauty of Chile; it doesn't seem that absurd, really. My holiday weekend in Pucon is a perfect example of this, I've never felt such a natural high from Nature's beauty. It was an indescribable serenity and I mean that in the least corny way possible.
Oh, Pucon. Where do I begin?
In a rough explanation about the four days, we did canyoning, hot springs, mountain biking and hydrospeeding--imagine plastic boogie boards in class III+ rapids--an activity, I later discovered is illegal in the U.S. for its safety concerns--Lena experienced this first hand by suffering a swollen, black eye after plunging in the first rapid.
By the end of the bus ride home, I felt a change. Well, more of a self-reassuring. I felt relaxed and for the first time, really stress-free. I've always carried so much stress on my shoulders, generally worrying about things out of my control. But sitting in my seat, half-sleeping, I could still feel the smile on my face from the bliss of Pucon and the natural wonder of the world.
I'm always thinking about my next chapter. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that every week Ingrid gets a new message about my next scheme, but after Pucon, I feel more assured that there's path I'm supposed to take and it'll work itself out naturally--I just need to pause and enjoy this journey now. As a Chilean told me my first night in Santiago, "Today is today, tomorrow is tomorrow."
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