It's almost over and it's so bittersweet.
I have one final on Wednesday and then my study abroad program in Santiago is over. While I begin to pack away my clothes, it's difficult to fathom the finality of it. Three years of college planning for this adventure. As I reflect, I believe my Chilean experience was exactly perfect, full of adventure, traveling, new friends, many wonderful moments, and of course, Spanish language learning. Cachai?
This weekend was the perfect cap to it all. Last minute a few friends and I decided to board the bus and head to a beach near the port city of Valpo. One more gypsy weekend, as we call our frugal camping/beach lifestyle. The beach was beautiful, rugged and even rewarded us with a night skyline view of Vina del Mar, the adjacent beach resort town to Valpo. It was cloudy and a little chilly for a December day in the southern hemisphere, but we enjoyed looking at the chilly water and talking together one last time before all of our lives change dramatically again.
Wednesday, after my final, Joe, Lena and I are heading down to the deep south for Patagonia, then, Buenos Aires for Christmas. I can't wait, but right now I'm trying to soak up these last few days in Santiago before my final South American adventure begins.
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