It could have been any day in my old college town of Iowa City, running along the river on a brisk fall day. Expect, well, for many exceptions. It's mid-winter here in Chile and the river is glacier-fed from the Andes, not pesticide polluted, like the rivers in Iowa. The gravel and stone trails and green parks bordering the river are peppered with Chilean couples, young and old, making out unashamed, every few steps. Perhaps because it is a Catholic nation that still touts abortion as illegal, that they seem to kiss as if that action will soon become outlawed also. Either way, as I gawked at the loving couples, I also collected stares from the Chileans I passed and the clusters I weaved through.
It was while running alone, away from the commercial district area, still along the river path, that I learned my Chilean lesson of the day. Pelegriso. (Meaning Dangerous or Danger.) The police officers on horses informed me that I should hide my ipod. Or so I think.... So I smiled, stuffed my ipod in my pants (slightly uncomfortable) and ran off as I said chow. Chileans will always stop you, no matter what you are doing or where you are, to tell you: be careful. Pelegriso. Chileans are dangerous, although I've tried to be on the lookout for thieves, I feel safe thus far.
About the picture: On our hike around San Cristival, I spotted this couple kissing near the overlook. I wanted to get a natural picture, but my presence was noticed too soon.
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