(Santiago es muy, muy grande!)
Mi horas en Chile (as of now). Hola!
Your real welcome to Chile comes on the streets of Santiago, late at night. (Don't worry madre, american standards differ greatly from Chile--I mean after sundown around 8 p.m.) Our first night in Santiago, dos otra chicas y yo ventured out of our hotel to practice our espanol. Before I closed my eyes to sleep that night, I knew I had made the right decision to study abroad to learn spanish and more importantly, in Chile. My pronunciation is awful. I can hardly answer a question, let alone carry on a conversation. BUT, the Chileans are so friendly and understanding with helping if you try. Or so they seem, so far. As Bebemos una cervaza, our espanol only got better.
Side note: In Santiago there are a large number of stray dogs wandering the city. Although, the bigger question of the seemingly domesticated perros es whether they are curious mascotas (pets) o (or) runaways o just straight up street doggies. I hope the first. We speed walked from the dog following us for three blocks, just in case.
En la afternoon, mi roomies y yo trollied up a large "hill" in Santiago (in Iowa we would most certainly call this a small mountain.) It was steep and lurched as we craned to see the smog laced vistas of Santiago. I pulsed with excitement for my new home city-- (a true city of 7 million)--and also from my fright of heights. I'm still adjusting.
Only three more dias until we start espanol clases!
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